Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Cancel a Job Interview

How to Cancel a Job InterviewHow to Cancel a Job InterviewWhen you have an appointment for ajob einstellungsgesprch, and you cant make it, what should you do? Sometimes life happens a child or other family member may become ill, you may have a suddenly conflicting work obligation at your current job, or your car might have decided to break down the morning of the interview. The answer depends on whether you have decided you dont want the job after all and want to cancel completely, or if you want to simply reschedule for another date and time. How to Cancel a Job Interview In either case, its important to let the employer know as soon as possible that youre not going to be able to make it to your interview appointment. If at all possible, dont wait until the last minute. Let the employer know as soon as youre aware you cant make it. The interviewers time is valuable, and another applicant can be scheduled in the time slot youre giving up. You also want to stay on good terms with the employer in case you want to reschedule or if another job opens up with the company thats a better fit for you. When You Dont Want to Reschedule If you have decided that youre truly not interested in the position after all, and you dont want to go to the interview, it is common courtesy to let the interviewer know that you have withdrawn your candidacy for the position. Think carefully, though, about your reasons for declining the interview if you arent 100% sure whether or not youd want the job, its generally better to attend the interview as a fact-finding mission. Should you decide that theres no way youd want the job (or if youve decided to accept another job offer), call or emaille the person who scheduled the interview to let them know that you are not going to attend the interview. Provide as much notice as possible. Theres no need to give a reason or an explanation. There are a couple of reasons why its important to let the interviewer know you wont make it. First of all, its good manners. Secondly, if you simply dont show up or give very short notice, you are burning your bridges with the company and wont have any chance of getting hired by them in the future. Finally, because interviews are business transactions, you need to leave the conversation in as professional a manner as possible. Hiring managers can and do share information about their candidate pools with other local employers as a gesture of goodwill sometimes if they cant hire a candidate that has impressed them, theyll forward their name to another employer who might be trying to fill a similar position. Sample Email Canceling an Interview (Text Version) Subject Your anthroponym - Cancel InterviewDear Hiring Manager Name,Thank you for very much for contacting me regarding the customer service agent position available at XYZ company. I appreciate your consideration for the job, but I need to cancel the interview that was scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th at 10 am.I will not be available to interview and would like to withdraw my application for the position. Again, thank you for your consideration.Best,Your Name Expand When You Want to Reschedule the Interview When you still want the interview, but cant make it at the scheduled time, email or call the person who scheduled the interview.If you email and dont hear back right away, make a call so that you know the interviewer gets the message. It isnt necessary to go into a lot of detail about why you need to change your appointment time you can merely say something general like, I need to reschedule because of an unanticipated family situation. Suggest an alternative date and time so you can secure another interview slot. Sample Email Asking to Reschedule an Interview (Text Version) Subject Your Name - Reschedule Interview QuestionDear Hiring Manager,Would it be possible to reschedule the interview we had set for the customer service agent position on March 15th at 2 pm? I will not be able to attend at that time, but would very much appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about the position.My schedule is open for the rest of the week, and Im available whenever is most convenient for you.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best,Your Name Expand Give Plenty of Notice Either way, give the company as much notice as possible that you arent going to show up for the interview. Being considerate of the interviewers time will be appreciated, even if you dont want the job. Make sure you will be able to make the rescheduled interview. You might get a pass the first time you canceled, but it probably wont happen the second time. Heres more information about how toreschedule a job interview. Take the Time to Prepare As you get ready for your rescheduled interview, take the time to prepare thoroughly so that you can ace it. Its not hardto prepare for a job interview, just time-consuming. It involves researching the company you have an interview with, practicing your responses to common interview questions, and making sure you have appropriate interview attire.

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